Charts & Graphs

  • Umang Jain

    The chart shows the opinion of users about bus services in Jaipur.
    The data shown in this chart come from a study conducted by EMBARQ India in Jaipur, as part of the ongoing partnership with Jaipur City Transport Services Ltd. (JCTSL) to provide safe, efficient and reliable bus services to citizens. This survey was done to appreciate the travel patterns of the public transport and intermediate public transport (IPT) users. 
    The information presented in this chart appears in…

  • Umang Jain

    The graph shows the average trip length of different transport Modes in Chandigarh.
    The data shown in this graph comes from a study done by EMBARQ India for Chandigarh Transport Undertaking (CTU). The main objective of the survey was to conduct a route rationalization exercise on a pilot corridor by assessing the demand on certain routes. View the Chandigarh Bus Survey to get access to the full dataset.

  • Akshay Mani

    Mode shares are an important indicator of the role that auto-rickshaws play in meeting the daily mobility needs of urban citizens.  Based on data available for a few cities, EMBARQ India’s analysis shows that auto-rickshaws serve between 10-20% of motorized road transport trips in these cities.  Further, it is observed that auto-rickshaws constitute a small share of the total vehicle mix (between 2 -11%) while they account for relatively higher mode shares, thus highlighting the fact that…

  • Akshay Mani

    Auto-rickshaws play an important role in urban mobility in most Indian cities.  EMBARQ India’s analysis on the size of the auto-rickshaw market in select Indian cities, based on government records, indicates that Tier I cities in India (with population greater than 4 million) typically have more than 50,000 auto-rickshaws, while Tier II cities (with population between 1 and 4 million) have between 15,000 and 30,000 auto-rickshaws.  Auto-rickshaws, thus, constitute a significant share of the…

  • Lakshmi Rajagopalan

    Health Impact Assessment (HIA) is a systematic process to evaluate the potential health impacts of any plan, project or policy before implementation and has recently started gaining traction in the transportation sector as well. HIAs also recommend appropriate corrective or preventive measures to manage the health impacts of the proposed plan or policy. Transportation HIAs can take place at any level, from site to corridor, city, regional, and national. HIAs could be led by the private,…

  • Lakshmi Rajagopalan

    In 2011, 9 out of 15 cities in India had an unhealthy PM10 AQI value, with some smaller cities like Ludhiana and Kanpur having very unhealthy air quality (Global Health Observatory Data Repository 2011). A study conducted by Tel Aviv University researchers also found that air pollution levels in Indian cities have increased rapidly between 2002 and 2010. Calcutta had an 11.5% increase in air pollution and Bangalore had the highest increase of 34%.
    This image appears in EMBARQ’s issue…

  • Anjali Mahendra

    Safety is a particularly significant concern with the use of two-wheelers. Data from 2012 showed that two-wheeler riders account for the largest share of road fatalities (23%) and India records the maximum number of deaths from motorized two-wheeler accidents in the world. In Pune, 50% of traffic accident fatalities in 2010-11 were two-wheeler riders, only 1% of whom were wearing a helmet.  For a variety of reasons, Indian states have not notified the helmet law, and when introduced, it is…