
  • Umang Jain

    The graph shows the average trip length of different transport Modes in Chandigarh.
    The data shown in this graph comes from a study done by EMBARQ India for Chandigarh Transport Undertaking (CTU). The main objective of the survey was to conduct a route rationalization exercise on a pilot corridor by assessing the demand on certain routes. View the Chandigarh Bus Survey to get access to the full dataset.

  • Sudeept Maiti

    In an effort to build ‘enclaves’ of neighbourhood and work spaces of aspirational qualities, developments by private enterprises tend to adopt exclusivity through segregation as the main tool for planning. Even though many such developments look at mixed land uses, the interaction and interface between them seem restricted and controlled, thus functioning as smaller pockets of single land use. Though such segregation allow for easy project execution, the physical manifestation points -like…

  • Zainab Kakal

    30 entries from across India compete to showcase how Urban India moves in cities!
    New Delhi | 28th November 2014:  The Urban Mobility India Conference 2014 saw 30 visualizations compete in the Data Visualization Challenge which was launched last month. Organized by Institute of Urban Transport and EMBARQ India among other partners, the challenge attracted participation from across 7 Indian states.
    The winning visualizations received their prizes from the Honorable Minister for…

  • Akshay Mani

    Mode shares are an important indicator of the role that auto-rickshaws play in meeting the daily mobility needs of urban citizens.  Based on data available for a few cities, EMBARQ India’s analysis shows that auto-rickshaws serve between 10-20% of motorized road transport trips in these cities.  Further, it is observed that auto-rickshaws constitute a small share of the total vehicle mix (between 2 -11%) while they account for relatively higher mode shares, thus highlighting the fact that…

  • Zainab Kakal

    We’ve received several insightful and meaningful entries for the Data Visualization Challenge and we are delighted to announce the shortlist. Here they are (in no particular order):
    1. Akshan Ish - The visualization attempts to create a snapshot of how Indian cities look & feel like from a mobility perspective. It is a data-driven identity for different cities, which moulds various mobility factors into appropriate visual representations.
    2. Tara Thiagarajan - The focus of…

  • Akshay Mani

    Auto-rickshaws play an important role in urban mobility in most Indian cities.  EMBARQ India’s analysis on the size of the auto-rickshaw market in select Indian cities, based on government records, indicates that Tier I cities in India (with population greater than 4 million) typically have more than 50,000 auto-rickshaws, while Tier II cities (with population between 1 and 4 million) have between 15,000 and 30,000 auto-rickshaws.  Auto-rickshaws, thus, constitute a significant share of the…

  • Zainab Kakal

    Using data to tell the story of how we live and move in urban India!
    We just made it to the Mars orbit! But what about our shorter trips closer to home? How do we move about our cities? From home to work, and from work to play? How much are we traveling? Who uses our roads, buses, and trains? Who walks and when do we walk? How do we make these choices? And how do these choices impact our health and our economy?
    The Institute of Urban Transport has launched a Data Visualization…