Challenges arising from the rapid growth of two-wheelers - Road Accident Deaths
byAnjali Mahendra

Safety is a particularly significant concern with the use of two-wheelers. Data from 2012 showed that two-wheeler riders account for the largest share of road fatalities (23%) and India records the maximum number of deaths from motorized two-wheeler accidents in the world. In Pune, 50% of traffic accident fatalities in 2010-11 were two-wheeler riders, only 1% of whom were wearing a helmet.  For a variety of reasons, Indian states have not notified the helmet law, and when introduced, it is partial in nature. Compliance and enforcement of the law has been poor. Also of concern is the license age being reduced from 18 to 16 years, with many youngsters in their early teens riding two-wheelers illegally.
The information presented in this chart appears in EMBARQ India publication, Motorized Two-Wheelers in Indian Cities: A Case Study of the City of Pune (Working Paper). View the publication to access more charts & graphs in this area.