Webinar on Last-Mile Connectivity to Mass Transit with Dr. Dario Hidalgo

This webinar focused the lens on the importance of last-mile connectivity in inducing a modal shift to public transit in cities, by leveraging the potential of innovation and entrepreneurship. The discussion shed light on how other Indian cities can benefit from the STAMP model of engagement, and draw on global experiences of multi-stakeholder approaches to seamless urban mobility.

Some of the key takeaways from the discussion are as follows:

  1. Additional investment is essential on modes around mass transit stations, to develop a more integrated urban transit network.
  2. Efforts to improve accessibility, integration and awareness regarding mobility networks in the city have great potential for increasing the ridership of mass transit systems. 
  3. Non-motorized and intermediate public transit (like auto- and cycle rickshaws) play a key role in last mile connectivity to mass transit hubs in Indian cities. Keeping this in mind, there is an urgent need to integrate and organize them into urban mobility plans.
  4. Innovative models of shared and connected transport systems should be leveraged in order to enhance and aid seamless integration with public transit in the city.
  5. Indian cities are characterized by high urban population densities - this can be viewed as an advantage for transit oriented development.
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