Jobs near metro rail transit in Bengaluru: Enabling an accessible and productive city


Jaya Dhindaw


Raj Bhagat Palanichamy




Madhav Pai

, Amartya Deb - Sep 2024

Bengaluru's public transportation system is struggling to keep up with the city's growing employment opportunities and urban expansion, and severe traffic congestion is hurting workforce productivity, livability and competitiveness. This paper highlights the critical need for integrated planning and bringing jobs closer to mass transit through the adoption of transit-oriented development strategies, to address these challenges and maximize the economic and quality of life benefits for the city.

This study maps location and jobs data related to registered factories (manufacturing enterprises) and shops and commercial establishments (service enterprises) in the Bengaluru Metropolitan Area, obtained from the Labour Department–Government of Karnataka in January 2023. It uses geospatial mapping to understand job distribution across the city, analyzed broadly by sector and size. It goes on to assess current job proximity and density along the city’s operational and under-construction metro network. Through stakeholder interviews, the study gathers an understanding of the locational considerations for businesses, and the benefits, trade-offs, market or regulatory challenges they face in locating near metro stations. It draws insights from global good practice examples to inform the way forward for attracting large businesses and increasing job densities along Bengaluru’s metro network.

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