Transit Oriented Development Manual: Delhi TOD Policy & Regulations Interpretation

Prerna Mehta, Neha Mungekar, Merlyn Mathew

A graphical interpretation of the Delhi TOD Policy based on the policy and regulation documents that are available in the public domain as of October 2016 . This work is taken up under the auspices of the MoU between Unified Traffic and Transportation Infrastructure (Planning & Engineering) Centre (UTTIPEC) and EMBARQ - The WRI Centre for Sustainable Transport (now WRI India).
Delhi is at a defining moment in terms of preparing itself for the next few decades with the Master Plan 2021. With the MPD - 2021 looking at innovative concepts to tackle urbanization, Transit Oriented Development (TOD) is very relevant. TOD is an urban design paradigm that has the potential for achieving urban competitiveness, environmental sustainability, and social equity. With the policy capturing the essential elements of mixed-use development, non-motorized transport and pedestrian priority, and encouraging a walk-to-work culture, Delhi is looking at TOD as a solution to its mobility and air quality challenges. Care has been taken to shell out the key points that are relevant to a TOD project. For any clarifications regarding concepts not mentioned in this manual, the MPD - 2021 has to be referred. The regulations are dynamic and the revisions would be incorporated in the Manual as they evolve and are finalized by the Delhi Development Authority.
The graphical manual presents a concise means for the understanding of the various rules and regulations under the TOD Policy for Delhi. 
If you have any questions or comments, or would like to know more about the research, contact Prerna V. Mehta at