Shaping Hubli-Dharwad as a “Connected City” Executive Report

WRI India Sustainable Cities

The Directorate of Urban Land Transport (DULT) and North- West Karnataka Road Transport Corporation (NWKRTC) of Karnataka are proposing a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system be­tween the twin cities of Hubli and Dharwad in the northern part of Karnataka. To demonstrate the case of Transit Oriented Development, EMBARQ India has taken up a case of Hubli-Dharwad as the proposed BRTS corridor has a rich diversity of contexts, making many of them unique in their own right. The TOD directly provide improved air quality and living conditions to a large segment of the population of Hubli- Dharwad. The development will also strive to be inclusive to people, encourage the location of more employment opportunities within the neighborhood reducing work and purchase related trips. 
The principles of connected city adopted for the demonstration project are - Safe Access, Public Spaces, Compact Development, Transit Supportive Uses, Cultural Landscape, Integrated Transport and Travel Demand Management. The proposals include

Encouraging high density transit supportive uses around transit nodes
Amendments to zoning regulations to achieve the desired mix of landuses and providing diverse range of housing types and dwelling unit sizes 
Completing existing road networks with seamlessly connectivity
Providing a safe, secure and attractive, pedestrian environment 
Creating cycling routes, preserving ecologically sensitive zones and designing public spaces as a continuation of the public realm such that they are active, inviting, safe and secure
Identifying historical settlements and collaborating with the competent authority for framing a special set of guidelines for them
Integrating multiple transit modes at the station area
Creating public realm at station area in public transport and providing public transport feeders from BRT stops/ stations
Promoting alternate modes of transport to reduce private vehicular use and creating parking management strategies to reduce space occupied by parking.

If you have any questions or comments, or would like to know more about this research, contact Rajeev Malagi at