Neighborhood Improvement Program

A participatory planning game aimed at shaping people-centric livable neighborhoods.



The Neighborhood Improvement Program (NIP) activity is an interactive card-based engagement tool that enables communities to identify issues and opportunities to co-create priority projects that can improve their neighborhoods. This process adopts a bottom-up approach to bridge the gap between what is needed at the neighborhood level and what is being planned. 




Who Can Participate?

All stakeholders committed to improving their neighborhood can participate – ranging from community members and resident welfare associations (RWAs) to city authorities among others. Subject experts, practitioners and institutions who are keen to engage with the neighborhood can also participate. The process can be tailored to suit specific local needs along with catering to different economic, geographical, and socio-cultural backgrounds. However, it cannot be applied to informal or unauthorized settlements.

How It Works?

The Neighborhood Improvement Program has four phases and four components. Designed to be flexible, it can be conducted by diverse organizers who could be community representatives, city authorities, subject experts or just interested citizens. For more details please email us at





1 Local Base Map

A local reference map serves as the base on which participants engage




2 Sticker Tags

Participants use coloured tags and shapes to identify challenges (Red), opportunities (Green) and potential interventions (Thought Clouds)


sticker tag


3 Solution Cards

The solution deck is used to help the participants identify and prioritize solutions. Based on the profile of the participants and the intended outcome NIP can range from a 30-minute activity to a day-long activity

solution card


4 Response Sheet

This sheet helps build consensus among all participants and allows them to prioritize solutions.

response sheet

For more details email us at