Co-Creating Smart Cities For Tomorrow
byKanika Jindal

This webinar was hosted on Saturday, 25 June 2016 from 4:00 – 5:00 pm IST (local time) and was presented by Jaya Dhindaw, Strategy Head - Integrated Urban Practice, WRI India Sustainable Cities; and Himadri Das, Program Manager - Urban Devlopment & Accessibility, WRI India Sustainable Cities. 

The objective of the Smart Cities Mission is to improve cities by strengthening their core infrastructure and making them more livable and sustainable for citizens with a focus on applying 'Smart Solutions’. The Smart Cities agenda concentrates on sustainable and inclusive development of compact areas while creating a replicable model of these cities for other aspiring cities. The Smart Cities Mission is meant to set examples that can be replicated both, within and outside the smart city, catalyzing the creation of similar smart cities in various regions and parts of the country.

The strategic components of area-based development under the Smart Cities Mission are city improvement (retrofitting), city renewal (redevelopment) and city extension (greenfield development) in addition to a pan-city initiative. WRI India Sustainable Cities has created an interactive workshop to help the stakeholders of the Smart Cities Mission focus on site-area development by co-creating specific strategies with the help of the existing components.Through role play, participants of the workshop can understand the challenges and opportunities faced by different stakeholders. The workshop will also provide brief overview various toolkits and methodologies on junction design, street design, public space design, sustainable mobility solutions and sustainable urban development solutions. The workshop will be a relevant learning opportunity for the city officials, experts, students and citizens of the 20 Smart Cities and others, who will be participating the Smart Cities competition mandated by MoUD.

This webinar was designed to help attendees understand the workshop and its use in co-creating smart areas within smart cities.  

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